Chemical and electrochemical processes in low-temperature ionic liquids on the basis of cations of N,N’-dialkylimidazolium and inorganic anions

About the group:


In the context of this theme, the synthesis of some N,N’-dialkylimidazolium salts existing in the form of ionic melts in the wide range of temperatures including negative temperatures, has been performed. Study of basic physical-chemical properties of these ionic liquids as well as electrochemical behavior of metals in them is performed.
General experimental methodologies:
Electrochemical methods:
  • Polarography is qualitative analysis of electroactive substances solutions, study of kinetics of electrode processes on the dripping mercury electrode (polarograph PU 1); 
  • Conductometry is  used for studying electroconductive properties of liquid and solid-phase electrolyte systems (ac bridge Р 5021); 
  • Chronopotentiometry, chronoamperometry, cyclic voltamperometry is for studying of thermodynamics and kinetics of electrode processes (potentiostates PI 50-1); 
  • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is used for studying the kinetics of electrode processes (ac bridge Р 5021); 
  • рН- instrument – determination of thermodynamic characteristics of reactants interactions (рН instruments ОР 211/1, рН 150). 
  • Spectrophotometry – investigation of spectral characteristics of soluble substances in order to determine thermodynamic characteristics  of reactants interactions (spectrophotometer СФ46)