Physical and Chemical Transformations of Natural Companions of Cellulose of Flax in the Processes of their Hydrolytic and Oxidative Destruction

About the group:


Group leader: Galashina Valentina Nikolaevna, PhD, Senior researcher

The scientific adviser on microbiology: Kuznetsov Oleg Juvenalievich, Doctor of Science (Biology), Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Ivanovo State Medical Academy


Dymnikova Natalia Sergeevna, PhD, Researcher

Erokhina Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, PhD, Junior researcher

Bogachkova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Leading engineer

Grushnikova Irina Evgenevna - Leading engineer 

Moryganov Pavel Andreevich - Post-graduate student



Given scientific direction deals with development of the theoretical conception stimulation techniques of purposeful hydrolytic and  oxidative destruction of natural companions of flax cellulose, of sorption and diffusion processes regulation in a linen matrix and principles of immobilization or generating biologically active reagents in linen cellulose, including nanoparticles of zero-valent metals.

According to agreement with the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, technologies of complex fibres clearing and fining of the flax are developed, which enable to obtain high-quality materials with valuable curing properties for medical purpose from waste flax-production. It expands a raw-material base for the enterprises making materials of medical purpose, and provides to produce means of human protection regardless the prices for the imported cotton and its quality. Medical cotton wool from a flax fibers has successfully passed a complex of toxicological, technical and wide clinical trials. The sanction of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to its industrial production and medical application is issued.


Under the contract with Central Army Medical Administrative Board of the Ministry of  Defence of the Russian Federation biologically active materials on the basis of flax as bandaging materials are being developed.




  • The Gold Medal of 52-nd International Fair of Innovative Researches and New Technologies " Eureka 2003", Brussels
  • The Silver Medal of 54-th International Fair of Innovative Researches and New Technologies " Eureka 2005", Brussels 


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