WoS AAC-2127-2019
Scopus 6507979512
- кинетика процессов переноса на динамической границе раздела фаз плазма-раствор;
- кинетика генерации химически активных частиц в водных растворах при действии низкотемпературной плазмы;
- модифицирование поверхности полимеров в плазменно-растворных системах;
- синтез наноструктурированных композитов на основе оксидов металлов с использованием низкотемпературной плазмы в контакте с жидкостью.
РФФИ № 20-02-00501 «Разработка фундаментальных основ плазмохимических технологий получения хитооолигосахаридов с фитостимулирующими свойствами», исполнитель;
РФФИ №15-42-03124 «Экспериментальное исследование и численное моделирование процессов взаимодействия неравновесной плазмы аргона с полимерами с учетом продуктов гетерогенных реакций», исполнитель.
1. Khlyustova A.V., Sirotkin N.A., Kraev A.S., Titov V.A., Agafonov A.V. Synthesis and characterization of titanium oxide nanoparticles by plasma in contact with liquid. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. - 2020. https:/
2. Sirotkin N., Gurina D., Khlyustova A., Costerin D., Naumova I., Titov V., Agafonov A. Experimental and computational investigations of polylactic acid/silver-NP nanocomposite with antimicrobial activity prepared by plasma in liquid // Plasma Processes and Polymers. - 2020,
3. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Titov V., Agafonov A. Effect of low-temperature underwater plasma produced of new properties of Mo–Ti mixed oxide composites for electron transport layer in the dye-sensitized solar cells // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. - 2020, /10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157664
4. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Titov V., Agafonov A. Comparison of two types of plasma in contact with water during the formation of molybdenum oxide // Current Applied Physics. - 2020. - V. 20(12). - P. 1396-1403
5. Sirotkin N., Khlyustova A., Titov V., Agafonov A. Plasma-assisted synthesis and deposition of molybdenum oxide nanoparticles on polyethylene terephthalate for photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B // Plasma Processes and Polymers. - 2020. - V. 17(9). - Art. 2000012
6. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Kraev A., Titov V., Agafonov A. Plasma-liquid synthesis of MoOx and WO3 as potential photocatalysts // Dalton Transactions. - 2020. - V. 49(19). - P. 6270-6279
7. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Kusova T., Kraev A., Titov V., Agafonov A. Doped TiO2: the effect of doping elements on photocatalytic activity // Materials Advances. - 2020. - V. 1. - P. 1193-1201.
8. Titov V.A., Khlyustova A.V., Naumova I.K., Sirotkin N.A., Agafonov A.V. Formation rate and energy yield of hydroxyl radicals in water under the action of gas-discharge plasma // Plasma Physics Reports. - 2020. - V. 46(4). - P. 472-475
9. Sirotkin N.A., Khlyustova A.V., Titov V.A., Krayev A.S., Nikitin D.I., Dmitrieva O.A., Agafonov A.V. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of WO3 nanoparticles prepared by underwater impulse discharge // Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. - 2020. - V. 40(2). - P. 571-587
10. Sirotkin N.A., Khlyustova A.V., Titov V.A. Chemical composition and processes in the dc discharge plasma of atmospheric pressure with a liquid electrolyte cathode // Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. - 2020. - V. 40(1). - P. 187-205
11. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N. Plasma-assisted oxidation of benzoic acid // Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. - 2020. - V. 14. - P. 513–521
12. Khlyustova A., Grosheva A., Sirotkin N. Panova D. Catalytic/inhibitory effect of the joint presence of two dyes on its destruction by underwater plasma processes: a tool for optimization parameters of treatment // SN Applied Science. - 2019. - V. 1. - P. 1465
13. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Titov V. Plasma-induced precipitation of metal ions in aqueous solutions // Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. - 2019. - V. 94(12). - P. 3987-3992
14. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Kochkina N., Krayev A., Titov V., Agafonov A. Deposition of silver nanostructures on polymer films by glow discharge // Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. - 2019. - V. 39. - № 1. - P. 311-323. DOI: 10.1007/s11090-018-9932-0
15. Khlyustova A.V., Sirotkin N.A., Krayev A.S., Titov V.A., Agafonov A.V. Synthesis of MoO3 by glow discharge in contact with water // Plasma Science and Technology. - 2019. - V. 21. - № 2. - P. 025505
16. Khlyustova A., Sirotkin N., Evdokimova O., Prysiazhnyi V., Titov V. Efficacy of underwater AC diaphragm discharge in generation of reactive species in aqueous solutions // Journal of Electrostatics. - 2018. - V. 96. - P. 76-84.
17. Khlyustova, A., Khomyakova, N., Sirotkin, N., Marfin, Y. The Effect of pH on OH Radical Generation in Aqueous Solutions by Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. - 2016. - V. 36. №5. - P. 1229-1238.
18. Хлюстова А. В., Титов В. А. Скорость образования и энергетический выход гидратированных электронов при газоразрядной обработке воды //Прикладная физика. - 2015. - №. 6. - С. 48-52.
19. Khlyustova A., Galmiz O., Zahoran M., Brablec A., Černak M. Underwater discharge plasma-induced coating of poly (acrylic acid) on polypropylene fiber. Journal of Materials Science. - 2015. - V. 50. - №9. - P. 3504-3509
20. Khlyustova A., Maksimov A. Double electrical layer at the plasma-solution interface. Contribution to Plasma Physic. - 2013. - V. 53. - №6. - P. 481-491
21. Максимов А. И., Хлюстова А. В. Физическая химия плазменно-растворных систем //Химия высоких энергий. - 2009. - Т. 43. - №. 3. - С. 195-201.
22. Maximov A.I., Khlustova A.V. Optical emission from plasma discharge in electrochemical systems applied for modification of material surfaces // Surface & Coating Technology. - 2007. - V. 201. - P. 8782-8788
23. Maximov A.I., Kuzmicheva L.A., Khlustova A.V., Titova Y.V., Dydykin M.G. Transfer of solution components to a plasma zone in chemical reactions initiated by a glow discharge in electrolyte solutions // Mendeleev Communications. - 2007. - V. 17. - №5. - P. 294-295.