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Исполнитель в грантах РФФИ
05-03-96401; 06-03-32169; 06-03-96320; 07-04-12030; 08-03-12053; 12-04-33030; 13-03-00251, 14-03-00481, 15-43-03088, 17-03-00309, 17-03-00459, 18-03-00016, 18-03-00081, 18-43-370021, 20-03-00037, 20-53-00038
Krest’yaninov M.A., Odintsova E., Kolker A.M., Kiselev M. The structure of water – Acetamide hydrogen bonded complexes // Quantum chemical analysis Journal of Molecular Liquids. - V. 264. DOI:10.1016/j.molliq.2018.05.070
Krest’yaninov M.A., Safonova L. Evaluation of Acid Dissociation Constants in DMSO and DMF by Quantum-Chemical // Methods Journal of Solution Chemistry. - V. 47(5). DOI: 10.1007/s10953-018-0712-5
Fedorova I.V., Krest’yaninov M.A., Safonova L. Ab Initio Study of Structural Features and H-Bonding in Alkylammonium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - V. 121(40) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b05393
Oparin R.D., Krest’yaninov M.A., Vorobyev E.A., Pokrovskiy O.I., Parenago O.O., Kiselev M. An insight into possibility of chemical reaction between dense carbon dioxide and methanol // Journal of Molecular Liquids DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2016.12.027
Fedorova I.V., Krest’yaninov M.A., Safonova L. Ab initio molecular dynamics study of H-bonding and proton transfer in the phosphoric acid–N,N-Dimethylformamide system // The Journal of Chemical Physics.- V. 145(12). - Art.124507 DOI: 10.1063/1.4963401