Center for Joint Use of Scientific Equipment "The Upper Volga Region Center of Physico-Chemical Research"

Established on September 1, 2000, reorganized on November 11, 2013.
The founder of the Center is G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry

Location and postal address of the Center:
Akademicheskaya St. 1, Ivanovo, 153045.
Website page:
Head of the Center:
PhD in Chemistry Igor Nikolayevich Mezhevoi
Main aims of the Center:
•    doing state-of-the-art research and rendering services to the benefit of the founder and other users of the Upper Volga and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign users involved in joint projects;
•    making unique experiments on expensive equipment, encouraging large-scale cooperation of researchers for realizing joint projects;
•    improvement and development of experimental research methods, development of result processing theory, creating banks of physico-chemical data.
The Center's priorities in the development of science and technology are:
•    nanosystem industry;
•    life sciences;
•    environmental management.
The main research directions of the Center are:
•    basic research in the field of physicochemistry of liquid phase systems and coordination chemistry of macrocyclic compounds;
•    development of functional hybrid nanomaterials;
•    diagnostics of materials;
•    problems of environmental management.
•    design of novel drug forms and biomedical materials;
Information about the scheduled and current load of the ISC RAS Center for Joint Use of Scientific Equipment
•    Schedule of equipment load of the ISC RAS Center for Joint Use of Scientific Equipment for the first quarter of 2021
•    Current load of the ISC RAS Center for Joint Use of Scientific Equipment
Information about the users of the Center services:
•    G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences: a wide range of studies funded by government contracts, RAS programs, and grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research;
•    Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology: studies of the structure and properties of macroheterocyclic compounds, polymers and materials based on them;
•    Ivanovo State University: studies of liquid crystals, thermodynamics and kinetics of organic reactions;
•    Ivanovo State Polytechnic University: studies of fusible materials for garment production;
•    V.N. Gorodkov Ivanovo Maternal and Child Health Research Institute: studies of drug adsorption on nanocarriers;
•    Kostroma State University: studies of phase and chemical composition, surface properties of titanium alloys modified by electrolytic-plasma processing;
•    All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Hygiene (Moscow): diagnostics of chemical safety of various materials;
•    Scientific Research Institute of Polymeric Materials, AO (Perm): development of effective modifiers of cellulose esters;
•    Atomspetsservis, OOO (Rostov region): studies of physico-chemical properties of coolant solutions;
•    TECHNONICOL Corporation: chemical analysis of polystyrene foam heat insulating materials;
•    National Research Technological University MISIS: studies of physico-chemical properties of solutions;
•    Yaroslavl State Technical University: physico-chemical studies of polymer solutions;
•    Electrotechnical company, OOO (Moscow): diagnostics of chemical safety of insulating materials under fire conditions;
•    Hübner, OOO (Moscow): diagnostics of chemical safety of polymer composite materials;
•    Gepal, OOO (Moscow): studies of particle size distribution in magnetic powders for forensics;
•    Bildex, OOO (Ivanovo region): studies of thermal stability of building materials.