Наиболее важные публикации:1. Lebedeva N.Sh., Yurina E.S., Gubarev Y.A., Kiselev A.N., Syrbu S.A. Albumin aggregation promoted by protoporphyrinin vitro. // Mendeleev Commun. - 2020. - V.30. - P. 1–4 DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.03.027.
2. Pukhovskaya S.G., Ivanova Y.B., Razumov M.I., Plotnikova A.O., Shelekhova D.A.,. Vashurin A.S, Syrbu S.A. Heteroatomic substitution of tetraphenylporphyrin as approach for regulating coordination ability. // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10847-020-00981-4.
3. LebedevaN.Sh., Veselova Y.A., Yurina E.S., Gubarev Y.A., Syrbu S.A. Comparison of the complexing ability of zinc(II)porphyrins to diamines. // Journal of Molecular Liquids. - 2019. - V. 288. - P. 111024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.111024
4. Лебедева Н.Ш., Сырбу С.А. Койфман О.И. Макрогетероциклические соединения – эффективные термопротекторы протеинов. // В кн. «Функциональные материалы на основе тетрапиррольных макрогетероциклических соединений» под ред. О.И. Койфмана. – М: ЛЕНАНД. - 2019. - С.582-618.
5. Lebedeva N.Sh., Gubarev Y.A., Yurina E.S., Syrbu S.A. Features of interaction of tetraiodidemeso-tetra (N-methyl-3-pyridyl) porphyrin with bovine serum albumin. // Journal of Molecular Liquids. - 2018. - V. 265. - P. 664-667. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.06.030
6. Lebedeva N. Sh., Yurina E.S., Guseinov S.S., Gubarev Y.A., Syrbu S.A. The interaction of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis [4- (2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-Dgalactopyranosyl)phenyl] porphine with biopolymers // Dyes and Pigments. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.10.034
7. Lebedeva N.Sh., Gubarev Y.A., Yurina E.S., Smirnova E.N., Syrbu S.A. A new strategy for targeted delivery of non-water-soluble porphyrins in chitosan-albumin capsules. // Colloid Polym Sci. - 2017. - V. 295. - N. 11. - P. 2173-2182. DOI 10.1007/s00396-017-4191-9.
8. Kiselev A.N., Grigorova O.K., Averin A.D., Syrbu S.A., Koifman O.I., Beletskaya I.P. Direct catalytic arylation of heteroarenes with meso-bromophenyl-substituted porphyrins // Beilstein J. Org. Chem. - 2017. - V. 13. - P. 1524–1532 doi:10.3762/bjoc.13.152.
9. Dao Tkhe Nam, Ivanova Y.B., Puhovskaya S.G., Kruk M.M., Syrbu S.A. Acid–base equilibria and coordination chemistry of the 5,10,15,20-tetraalkyl-porphyrins: implications for metalloporphyrin synthesis. [текст] .// RSC Adv. - 2015. - V. 5. - P. 26125–26131. DOI: 10.1039/c5ra01323b.
10. Lebedeva N.Sh., Yurina E.S., Gubarev Y.A., Syrbu S.A., Pechnikova N.L. Acrylamide polymers with covalently linked zinc(II)tetraphenylporphyrin groups: synthesis and complexation with amino acids. // Mendeleev Commun. - 2018. - V. 28. - P. 158–160. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2018.03.016
11. Lebedeva N.Sh., Yurina E.S., Gubarev Y.A., Syrbu S.A. Interactions of tetracationic porphyrins with DNA and their effects on DNA cleavage. // SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. - 2018. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2018.03.066.
12. Lebedeva N.Sh., Gubarev Y.A., Yurina E.S., Syrbu S.A. Effect of irradiation spectral range on porphyrin – protein complexes. // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2017.11.037.
13. Yakushev A.A., Averin A.D., Beletskaya I.P., Koifman O.I, Maloshitskaya O.A., Syrbu S.A. Catalytic amination in the synthesis of hybrid polymacrocycles comprising porphyrin and azacrown ether moieties // Mendeleev Communications. - 2016. - № 3. - Т. 26. - С. 199 – 201.
14. Lyubimtsev A., Semeikin A., Zheglova N., Sheinin V., Kulikova O., Syrbu S. Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Low Symmetrical Porphyrin-Amino Acid Conjugates and Their Zn-Complexes // Macroheterocycles. - 2018. - V. 11. - № 1. P. DOI: 10.6060/mhc 171151l.
15. Yakushev A.A., Averin A.D, Maloshitskaya O.A., Koifman O.I., Syrbu S.A., Beletskaya I.P. Porphyrin-containing polymacrocycles: synthesis and evaluation as fluorescent detectors of metal cations. // Macroheterocycles. - 2018. - V. 11. - № 2. - P. 135–140. DOI: 10.6060/mhc180276a.
16. Lyubimtsev A., Kudrik E., Tyurin D., Zheglova N., Syrbu S. Synthesis of water-soluble non-aggregated porphyrin-β-cyclodextrintetraconjugate // Macroheterocycles. - 2017. - V. 10. - № 4-5. - P. 510-513 DOI: 10.6060/mhc161183l.
17. Lyubimova T.V., Syrbu S.А.,Semeikin А.S. Synthesis of porphyrins from α-unsubstituted dipyrromethanes. // Macroheterocycles. - 2016. - V. 9(1). - P. 59-64. DOI: 10.6060/mhc150977s. IF 1,086. Q-3
18. Salnikova M.A., Lyubimova T.V., Syrbu S.А., Semeikin А.S. Phenyl substitute porphyrins. 6. Acylation of alcohols with carboxyphenylporphyrins. // Macroheterocycles. - 2016. - V. 9(2). - P. 141-150. DOI: 10.6060/mhc151086s.
19. Pechnikova N., Lyubimtsev A., Ageeva T., Syrbu S., Semeikin A., Koifman O. Synthesis of porphyrin monomers on the basis of meso-mono-hydroxy- and aminophenylporphyrins // J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines. - 2014. - V. 18. - P. 162–168. DOI: 10.1142/S1088424613501198
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21. Пат. 2535097 Российская Федерация, МПК C07D487/22. Фотосенсибилизатор и способ его получения. [текст]: / Койфман О.И., Пономарев Г.В., Сырбу С.А., Жаров Е.В., Сергеева Т.В., Луковкин А.В. заявл. 07.08.2013; опубл. 10.12. 2014. Бюл № 34.
22. Березин Д.Б, Шухто О.В., Сырбу С.А., Койфман О.И. Органическая химия. Базовый курс. Издание 2-е, исправленное и дополненное. (допущено учебно-методическим объединением по образованию в области химической технологии и биотехнологии в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлениям «Химическая технология» и «Энерго- и ресурсо-сберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии») // С.-Пб., М., Краснодар. Изд-во Лань: 2014. – 238 с. (12,6 п.л.).