XV All-Russian School-Conference of Young Scientists "Supercritical Fluid Technologies in Solving Environmental Problems"

Dear colleagues

G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after Lomonosov are happy to invite you to take part in the XV All-Russian School-Conference of Young Scientists "Supercritical Fluid Technologies in Solving Environmental Problems", which will be held on July 1-3, 2024 in Ivanovo.

The school-conference will be held as part of the Conference Cluster 2024.

The scope of the school-conference of young scientists will cover a wide range of fundamental and applied problems related to the development and use of supercritical technologies. Special attention will be paid to problems of chemical thermodynamics of supercriticla fluids, solvation and complex formation processes.

Scope of the school-conference:

  • Physical and physico-chemical bases of processes in SCF media
  • Analytical applications, analysis and diagnostics of SCF media
  • Chemical processes in SCF media
  • Processes involving water in sub- and supercritical states

Conference opening date:  01.07.2024.

Conference closing date: 03.07.2024.

Venue: Ivanovo.

Conference website: http://rcct.isc-ras.ru (http://rcct.isc-ras.ru/node/21).

Registration deadline: 10.03.2024.

Thesis submission deadline: 15.03.2024.

Start data of the conference: 
End of the conference: 
The expiration date of the registration: 
The expiry date for abstract submission: 