Studying of Superficial Modification of Polyethylene Terephthalate Fibres Under Chemical and Plasmachemical Treatment

About the group:


Prorokova Natalia Petrovna, PhD, Senior researcher
Vavilova Svetlana Yurevna, PhD, Researcher
For carrying-out the work the plant for obtaining from liquid melt of chip polyolefin (polyethylene, polypropylene), polyamide and polyethylene terephthalate yarns with their subsequent stretching is used. The plant is designs according by of the Federal target scientific and technical program " Researches and development in priority directions of science and engineering" in 2002-2003 г.г.
Results of researches:
With a view of improvement of qualitative characteristics of polyester materials the influence of polyethylene terephthalate on the oligomers is studied,  their percentage and inclusion in a textile material substantially effects properties, water, water solutions of ammonia and  some salts of ammonium at the temperatures exceeding 100 C. The essence of physical and chemical processes in which participate oligomers in dyeing and finishing of polyester textile materials according high-temperature periodic technologies is discovered.
The regularity of processes of oligomers migration from internal areas of a polymeric material outside and hydrolysis superficially localized oligomers are establish. While applying them it is possible to influence directly intensity of each of them. The new method of the directed change of some properties of the polyester textile materials is proved. It is consisting in regulation of a course the given physical and chemical processes with participation of oligomers. It was shown that regulation can be carried out by means of a variation of parameters of processing of a fibre the diluted water solutions of ammonia, salts of ammonium or compositions on their basis, changing it concentration of cyclic oligomers in the bulk of a polyester fibrous material and, mainly, on its surface.
The plant includes two stands: 
1 - obtains of yarns from liquid melt, 
2 - stretching and twisting of yarns. 
The maximal capacity of the plant - 5 kg. 
The maximal productivity of the plant - 20 kg per day. 
Two-band of yarns stretching, repetition factor - up to 10. 
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  2. N.P. Prorokova, S.M. Prusova, S.Y. Vavilova, Y.A. Kalinnikov. The Influence of Aqueous Ammonia Salt Solutions on the Content of the Oligomers on the Surface of Dyed Polyester Fiber / Textil Chemistry – Theory, Technology and Equipment / by ed. A.P. Moryganov. – New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 1997. – P. 287 – 292. 
  3. S.Y.Vavilova, N.P.Prorokova, Y.A.Kalinnikov. Diffusive and Sorption Processes Under Dyeing Polyethylene Terephthalate / Textil Chemistry. – 1998. – № 3 (15). – pp. 49 – 54. 
  4. S.Y.Vavilova, N.P.Prorokova, Y.A.Kalinnikov. Nature of Reduction in Electric Resistance Polyethylene Terephthalate Under Action of Water Solutions of Ammonia/ Chimicheskie volokna. – 1998. – № 3. – pp. 33 – 35. 
  5. N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova, Y.A.Kalinnikov, L.Y.Vasjanina. Studying of Change of a Specific Surface Polyethylene Terephthalate/ Prikladnaya chimiya. - 2000. - Т. 73. - pp. 294 - 297. 
  6. Y.A.Kalinnikov, I.Y.Vashurina, N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova. Nonordinary Ways of Decreasing of Ecological Danger of Ordinary Chemical Textile Technologies/ Problems of chemistry of solutions and technologies of liquid-phase materials: scientific collected articles. Special issue to the 20 anniversary of formation ISC the Russian Academy of Science. - Ivanovo, 2001. - pp. 292 - 301. 
  7. O.K.Smirnova, N.P.Prorokova Auxiliary Substances in Chemical-Textile Processes. Modern assortment of textile auxiliary substances/ Rossiyskiy chimicheskiy zhurnal: Journal RCZ D.I.Mendeleyev. - 2002. - XLVI. - №1. - Modern problems of textile chemistry. - P. 1. - pp. 88 - 96. 
  8. N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilov, Y.A.Kalinnikov. Preparation Ivlan-2 as a Dispergator of Oligomers During Dyeing Lavsan/ Izvestia Vuzov. Chemistry and chemical technologies. - 2003. - V. 46. - P. 1. - pp. 106 - 108. 
  9. S.Y.Vavilova, N.P.Prorokova, Y.A.Kalinnikov. Problem of Cyclic Oligomers During Process of Dyeing and Processing of a Polyester and a Way its Solutions/ Chimicheskie volokna. - 2003. - №2. - pp. 35 - 37. 
  10. N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova. Principles of Development of Composite Equalizers for Processes of Periodic Dyeing Polyester Fibrous Materials/ Chimicheskie volokna. - 2003. - №2. – pp. 47 - 49. 
  11. N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova, Y.A.Kalinnikov, V.N.Prorokov. Estimation of Equalizers Ability of Preparation Ivlan-2 by Means of Diffusion Sorption Characteristics of System Dyeing Liquor - a Polyester/ Izvestia Vuzov. Chemistry and chemical technologies. - 2003. - N. 46. - P. 5. - pp. 38 - 40. 
  12. N.P.Prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova. Modify Action of Nitrate of Ammonium and Hydrate of Sodium to Polyethylene Terephthalate Materials/ Chimicheskie volokna. - 2004. - №6. - pp. 19 - 21. 
  13. Y.A.Kalinnikov, I.Y.Vashurina, N.P.Prorokova. New Liquid-Phase Materials for Chemical Textile Technologies/ Chemistry of solutions and technology liquid-phase materials. Achievements and prospects: collected articles. To the 25 anniversary of formation ICS of Russian Academy of Science. - Ivanovo, 2006. - pp. 241 - 259. 
  14. N.P.prorokova, S.Y.Vavilova. Criteria of an Estimation of Equalizers Action of Preparations for Periodic Dyeing Synthetic Fibrous Materials/ Zhurnal prikladnoy chimii.- 2006. - N. 79. - P. 1. - pp. 148 - 153.