G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS) is a federal state-financed institution, a nonprofit research organization under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The Institute is a subdivision of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is one of the units of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (DCMS RAS).
The main aim of the ISC RAS, according to its Charter, is organizing and carrying out theoretical and applied research in the field of solution theory, preparation of new materials and development of modern chemical technologies using solutions.
Based on the performance assessment, G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences was granted category one status by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (order No. 157 of March 30, 2018). The assessment included analysis of the ISC RAS publishing and innovation activity, financial and human resources indicators, as well as the results of cooperation with enterprises of the real economy, achievements in combining research and education, and the Institute integration into the world research community.
The Institute research priorities include:
1. Solution chemistry, theory of chemical engineering processes in liquid media.
2. Synthesis, chemical structure and reactivity of macroheterocyclic compounds and supramolecular systems based on them.
3. Chemistry and technology of advanced processing of natural and synthetic polymers. Development of functional and nanocomposite materials.
4. Development of new pharmaceutical dosage forms of drug compounds and biomedical use materials.
The Institute is a participant of the "Science" programme (October 18, 2018 - December 31, 2024), a national project aimed at facilitating the scientific and technical development of the Russian Federation through:
- transition to advanced digital smart production methods; robotized systems; new materials and design methods; development of big data processing systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence;
- transition to environmentally safe and resource saving power industry; improvement of the efficiency of extraction and advanced processing of hydrocarbon fuel; finding of new sources and methods of transportation and storage of energy;
- transition to personalized medicine; high-tech healthcare and health protection technologies based on efficient use of drug compounds (first of all, antibacterial preparations) as one of the methods.
In order to be at the forefront of the innovative development and technical modernization of the Russian economy, the ISC RAS has become an active participant of four technological platforms established by the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovations (Protocol No. 2 of April 1, 2011):
• "Medicine of the Future";
• "Bioindustry and Bioresources – BioTech2030";
• "Bioenergy";
• "New polymer composite materials and technologies".