On October 4-5, 2023 Ivanovo hosted the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Forum Smartex.
The forum opened on October 4 with a large scientific seminar at ISC RAS, where Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A.P. Moryganov presented the work results and achievements of the research group he had headed for a long time.
Over the years, Andrei Moryganov and his group have achieved significant progress in the field of textile chemistry, lay the scientific foundations of technologies of modification of natural and synthetic materials, developed principles of obtaining liquid-phase composite materials for fabric dyeing and conditioning.
On October 5, the forum continued with a school of young scientists. The participants were offered a series of lectures. One of the lecturs taught the participants about the ways of making fabrics superhydrophobic. In another one, they learned about some simple ways of synthesizing nanoparticles in order to provide fabrics with new properties.
The international forum closed with the final of the All-Russian Youth Scientific Contest LEGPROMNAUKA. Thirty-three of the contest participants - undergraduate and postgraduate students, young scientists and university professors from universities of Ivanovo, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Kostroma - gave short talks about their research.