Correction to “Density and Viscosity of N-Methylacetamide–Calcium Chloride Mixtures over the Temperature Range from 308.15 to 328.15 K at Atmospheric Pressure”

Авторы публикации: 
Dyshin A.A., Eliseeva O.V., Kiselev M.G.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
Год публикации: 
V.63. – N 8 . – P . 3167.

Several errors were found in the Results and Discussion section. We recognize the presence of some errors in eq 3 on p 4129 of the original paper (J. Chem. Eng. Data2017, 62 (12), 4128–4132). It was noticed that errors in eq 3 preclude correct calculation of the apparent molar volumes of calcium chloride. This error was due to our mistake.

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